
Bright Light Agency has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in FREE airplay from TV and Radio Stations. With the experience of having distributed hundreds of PSA campaigns over the last 20 years, we have culled and developed a myriad of money-saving techniques to make sure that messages reach the right hands and get through the gate keepers and out to the public. our expertise in culling and parsing station databases will ensure that your message goes out to key stations and networks that are “friendly to your cause”. We develop attractive packaging and produce graphic storyboards of the PSA Campaigns to save the station screeners time and facilitate their usage. The process doesn’t stop once we have distributed the PSAs. Once they have reached stations, we begin an elaborate hands on process that few other companies incorporate, in which we call stations to encourage usage and promote airplay. Once they are playing, you will receive monthly reports based on Nielsen tracking data that specifies exactly where and how the PSAs are used.